In the past, Panayiota contributed to projects that dealt with issues around open access, digital preservation, institutional repositories, research data management and scholarly communication. Some of them are listed below.
Information about current activities will be added as they occur.
- New frontiers of peer review – PEERE (PEERE). (2014-2018) – Role: Contributor (MC Member representing Greece)
Peer review is a cornerstone of science, whose quality and efficiency depends on a complex, large-scale collaboration process, which is sensitive to motivations, incentives and institutional contexts. Recent proofs of the failures of peer review, due to judgment bias and parochialism and cases of misconduct, have contributed to calls for a reconsideration of the rigour and quality of the process. This Action aims to improve efficiency, transparency and accountability of peer review through a trans-disciplinary, cross-sectorial collaboration. The objectives of this Action are: (i) to analyse peer review in different scientific areas by integrating quantitative and qualitative research and incorporating recent experimental and computational findings; (ii) to evaluate implications of different models of peer review and to explore new incentive structures, rules and measures to improve collaboration in all stages of the peer review process; (iii) to involve science stakeholders in data sharing and testing initiatives, (iv) to define collaboratively a joint research agenda that points to an evidence-based peer review reform. Not only can a better peer review system improve the self- regulation processes of science to benefit all science stakeholders, it can also increase the social recognition and credibility of science in Europe.
- Analyzing the dynamics of information and knowledge landscapes – KNOWeSCAPE (KNOWeSCAPE). (2013-2017) – Role: Contributor (MC Member representing Greece)
There is no escape from the expansion of information, so that structuring and locating meaningful knowledge becomes ever more difficult. This Action will tackle this urgent problem using the unique networking and capacity-building features provided by the COST framework. For the first time, a platform will be created where information professionals, sociologists, physicists, digital humanities scholars and computer scientists collaborate on problems of data mining and data curation in collections. The main objective of this Action is advancing the analysis of large knowledge spaces and systems that organize and order them. The combination of insights from complexity theory and knowledge organization will improve our understanding of the collective, self-organized nature of human knowledge production and will support the development of new principles and methods of data representation, processing, and archiving. To this end, the knowledge organization in web-based information spaces such as Wikipedia as well as collections from libraries, archives, and museums will be studied. This Action aims to create interactive knowledge maps. Their end users could be scientists working between disciplines and seeking mutual understanding; science policy makers designing funding frameworks; cultural heritage institutions aiming at better access to their collections; and students seeking a first orientation in academia.
- Study of Open Access Publishing (SOAP). (2009-2011) – Role: Researcher
The shift from print-based to digital documents demands innovation from scientific publishers. Several radical new Open Access Publishing (OAP) business models have already emerged. The SOAP consortium represents key stakeholders such as publishers, funding agencies and a broad spectrum of research disciplines and aims to study these models, survey researchers and suggest scenarios.
- UCL Data Audit Framework Pilot Project (UCL DAF). / (2008-2009) – Role: Project Officer and Researcher
The Data Audit Framework Development Project developed, provided examples for, and a limited support facility for, a Data Audit Framework, to enable all universities and colleges to carry out an audit of departmental research data collections, awareness, policies and practice for research data curation and preservation. Pilot / exemplar Implementations of the Data Audit Framework will implement a version of the ‘Data Audit Framework’ methodology developed elsewhere – each implementation of the methodology should result in information that can be collected centrally and – where appropriate – shared via a resource also to be created by the ‘Data Audit Framework’ project. (
- Repository Interface for Overlaid Journal Archives (RIOJA). (2007-2008) – Role: Project Officer and Researcher
The RIOJA project investigated technical, social and economic aspects of the overlay of quality assurance onto papers deposited to and stored in eprints repositories. RIOJA was funded by the JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee, UK), as part of the Repositories and Preservation Programme.
- Versions of Eprints – user Requirements Study and Investigation Of the Need for Standards (VERSIONS). (2007) – Role: Researcher
The aims of the project were:
- to clarify the position on different versions of academic papers in economics available for deposit in digital repositories, in order to help build trust among academic users of repository content
- to produce a toolkit of guidelines about versions for authors, researchers, librarians and others engaged in maintaining digital repositories
- to propose standards on versions to JISC to inform discussions and negotiations with stakeholders
- Source-to-Output Repositories (StORe). (2006) – Role: Researcher
This project addressed the area of interactions between output repositories of research publications and source repositories of primary research data. It will conduct user surveys to determine required functionality in both types of repository in order to make them useful to researchers both when using primary data in source repositories and at the point of submitting to or downloading papers from output repositories. Subject areas included will be astronomy, physics, biochemistry, social sciences, archaeology and chemistry. With the aid of the survey results, general principles for middleware development to link source and output repositories together will be sought, and a business analysis will be performed. A pilot demonstrator will be developed in one of the domain areas. A full and extensive evaluation of the project will be carried out in order to inform JISC of the best options for future development in this area.
- Digital Health Programme.