Below are listed selected refereed publications. Some of them are openly accessible to the public. Other can be accessed via an Institution’s Library Services. However, all publications adhere to copyright and other related laws. If you intend to download and use any of the publications please ensure that you adhere to any terms and constraints invoked by such copyright.
My public academic profile can be found at the following sites:
Selected Publications |Note about copyright| Note about Author post – print versions
Selected publications
- Lavesson, N., Linde, P. & Polydoratou, P. (eds.), 2013. Mining the digital information networks: proceedings of the 17th international conference on electronic publishing, 13-14 June 2013, Karlskrona, Sweden. Amsterdam: IOS Press.Available from :
[OA: Yes] [Licence: ]
- Saunders, L., Kurbanoglu, S., Wilkins Jordan, M., et al. (2013). Culture and Competencies: A Multi-Country Examination of Reference Service Competencies. Libri, 63(1), pp. 1-70. Retrieved 12 Mar. 2013, from http://doi:10.1515/libri-2013-0003
[OA:No] [SHERPA/RoMEO info] [Please contact me directly for a copy]
- Suenje Dallmeier-Tiessen et al., “Open access journals – what publishers offer, what researchers want”, Information Services and Use 31, issue 1-2 (2011): 85–91,
[OA: Yes] [Licence: Please contact the corresponding author]
- Panayiota Polydoratou et al., “Open Access Publishing: An Initial Discussion of Income Sources, Scholarly Journals and Publishers,” in The Role of Digital Libraries in a Time of Global Change, ed. Gobinda Chowdhury, Chris Koo, and Jane Hunter, vol. 6102, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2010), 250–253,
- Polydoratou, Panayiota and Ralf Schimmer, “Income sources as underlying business models’ attributes for scholarly journals: preliminary findings from analysing open access journals’ data,” in Publishing in the Networked World: Transforming the Nature of Communication, 14th International Conference on Electronic Publishing 16-18 June 2010, Helsinki: ELPUB, 2010),
- Panayiota Polydoratou and Martin Moyle, “Exploring aspects of scientific publishing in astrophysics and cosmology: the views of scientists,” in Metadata and Semantics, ed. Miguel-Angel Sicilia and Miltiadis D Lytras (Boston, MA: Springer US, 2009), 179–190, The original publication is available at
[OA: No] [SHERPA/RoMEO info] [Author’s post-print at UCL IR]
- Panayiota Polydoratou and Martin Moyle, “Scientific Journals, Overlays and Repositories: A Case of Costs and Sustainability Issues,” in Digital Libraries: Universal and Ubiquitous Access to Information, ed. George Buchanan, Masood Masoodian, and Sally Cunningham, vol. 5362, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2008), 154–163, The original publication is available at
[OA: No] [SHERPA/RoMEO info] [Author’s post-print at UCL IR]
- Panayiota Polydoratou, Michael Pendleton, and David Nicholas, “Using web logs transactions to assess a metadata registry system’s use: The case of the Environmental Data Registry and the System of Registries,” OCLC Systems & Services 23, no. 1 (2007): 79–91,
[OA: No] [SHERPA/RoMEO info] [ Author’s post-print]
- Panayiota Polydoratou, “Using web logs transactions to assess a metadata registry system’s use: the case of MetaForm,” OCLC Systems & Services 22, no. 1 (2006): 67–79,
[OA: No] [SHERPA/RoMEO info] [Author’s post-print]
- Panayiota Polydoratou, “Use and Linkage of Source and Output Repositories and the Expectations of the Chemistry Research Community About Their Use,” in Digital Libraries: Achievements, Challenges and Opportunities, ed. Shigeo Sugimoto et al., vol. 4312, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2006), 429–438, The original publication is available at
[OA: No] [SHERPA/RoMEO info] [Author’s post-print at ERA IR]
- Paul Huntington et al., “The general public’s use of (and attitudes towards) interactive, personal digital health information and advisory services,” Journal of Documentation 60, no. 3 (2004): 245–265,
[OA: No] [SHERPA/RoMEO info] [Please contact me directly for a copy]
- D. Nicholas et al., “Revisiting ‘obsolescence’ and journal article ‘decay’ through usage data: an analysis of digital journal use by year of publication,” Information Processing & Management 41, no. 6 (December 2005): 1441–1461,
[OA: No] [SHERPA/RoMEO info] [Author’s post-print]
- Panayiota Polydoratou, Michael Pendleton, and David Nicholas, “The System of Registries: An Evaluation of User Feedback… A Year Later,” in Digital Libraries: Technology and Management of Indigenous Knowledge for Global Access, ed. Tengku Sembok et al., vol. 2911, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2003), 676–681, The original publication is available at
[OA: No] [SHERPA/RoMEO info] [Author’s post-print]
- Panayiota Polydoratou and David Nicholas, “Familiarity with and use of metadata formats and metadata registries amongst those working in diverse professional communities within the information sector,” Aslib Proceedings 53, no. 8 (2001): 309–324,
[OA:No] [SHERPA/RoMEO info] [Please contact me directly for a copy]
Examples of copyright policies of the publishers listed in the beforementioned publications are:
Note about Author post – print versions
The post-print versions listed above are the author’s versions of papers, including corrections and revisions after they have been peer-reviewed. For definitions of pre-print and post-print versions as well as self-archiving please visit the SHERPA website.